Friday, May 4, 2007

Lemme create a literary work about a "hex"

I think I'll write a quick blurb... about a spell. Or a hex, as it were.

Using this as my inspiration, I've decided to write something fun. Let's hear it for free speech and Fair Use!


For in the darkest depths of yore, there were many attempts to stifle speech, and many attempts to prevent fair use. For, of all the uses, Fair was the fairest. And against the hosts of Fair, there stood the evil empire, MmmPah! And the hosts of the MmmPah relied on their superweapon AACS, which had a critical weakness, as all superweapons do. These hosts of the MmmPah were numbered thusly:

09 Executives, shrieking mindlessly
f9 Legal notices, issued hopelessly
11 Lawfirms, cashing checks
02 Websites, taking down posts
9d Technicians, searching for bloggers
74 Law clerks, preparing take down notices
e3 Media members, submitting stories
5b Members of congress, bought and paid for

These were the hosts of the evil MmmPah, but against them were arrayed the seemingly infinite hordes of the Fair, and the Fair were profligate, and spake unto the world the number of freedom. And this number was 0xd84156c5635688c0, for this was the number of supporters of the Fair, posting on blogs against the evil MmmPah.

And in the final battle, the hosts of the MmmPah and the hordes of the Fair clashed, and as they arrayed for battle, and strove for control of the imposing but fatally flawed AACS, the combination of the two proved most propitious for the hordes of the Fair, for the hosts of the MmmPah combined with the number of freedom proved too much, and a new thing was brought into the world, and this thing was Freedom, and all of the hordes of the Fair, looking upon it, proclaimed it good. But the hosts of the MmmPah, seeing that they had encouraged and nurtured the Freedom, which was anathema to them, cried out in fury!

For the array of the hosts of MmmPah, in order, followed by the number of freedom, created a new and interesting spell. This hex cracked the shell of the AACS, and as its vital energy spilled, there arose a shout, as it was an idiots tale, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Fun weekend!

I finally got to do two things this last week that I've wanted to do for quite a while:
1) Get away for a couple of days to be a person all by myself,
- and -
2) Meet some friends in person that I've known online for over a year.

What a rush! I really enjoyed both, and I'm incredibly grateful to my lovely wife Michele for realizing I needed it, and letting me go. She's pretty tolerant these days, and hasn't given me grief for wanting to occasionally do things on my own a little. I've been a "good married family man" since 1993, and had "our friends" since about 1990 more than "my friends".

Actually thats not totally true. For the past few years, I've been able to go hang out with some friends for a few hours on the occasional Tuesday night. That's helped. In the last year, I've been able to do something besides watch TV and sit on the couch every night. Granted, playing an online game with some folks a few times a week isn't exactly living life to its fullest, but I've enjoyed it, and at some level, I've really needed it.

I feel like I've had pressure building inside me for quite a while over this. Now... It's mostly gone. I got to go hang out with friends, have some drinks, bullshit about things, go someplace different, etc.

Mainly, I got to go off by myself, without a load of condemnation, without guilt, and with approval. I don't feel like I'm staying home because I *can't* leave, but because I want to. I don't feel like an inmate in my own life anymore. What a release. I highly recommend it!